Friday, November 9, 2012

The Blend Magazine / Calendar - My First Magazine

The Blend is my first magazine, yah by me! It’s not your typical magazine though because as anyone who knows me knows I am far from typical. This magazine is informative, educational, filled with ideas, but mostly fun.

It is part magazine and then calendar. The reason for this is because I see my daughters collection of magazines all in a basket until they get tossed in a couple of months. So I wanted to try to get your attention all year long. So here comes The Blend 2013 (THERE HERE AND AVAILABLE NOW !!!!!).

The name comes from what I feel is a big part of my generation and this generation. It used to be that almost everyone collected antiques and collectibles but today that's not so true and it gets harder and harder to keep the interest. So I feel blending old into a new form sometimes helps and maybe even generates enough interest to make them a collector of something. If not they still are always at an advantage by buying even re-purposed antiques over name brand store items.

I have been as you know re-purposing for several years now. I only use old items not new mixed in. Just antiques or items that don’t serve a purpose any more. The result works and is a individual decorative substitute for whats out there that everyone one else has. So if you want to call it re-purposing or blending, to me it’s effective in educating this younger generation. (I can’t believe when I say younger, it’s not me so much anymore).

This magazine is not just about re-purposing though it’s about sharing some of what I have been lucky enough to learn over the years in this business. I also share tips and even some instruction into doing things yourself. I hope you will like it and look forward to it again next year. Now look I am no graphic artist by any means and I wanted this to be by me so that it is what it is .... By me.

This is not only a magazine but if you know me, again anything I do has to be about The Webster House Children’s Home. If they weren’t in my past I might not have been in this position today. So this is a fund raiser for them to thank them for what they do to help today's children just like they have been doing for the past 126 years. 100% of every calendar sold goes directly to them. This is my way of paying it forward.

So if you want to help as well. I invite you to grab some for your co-workers, family, friends etc, for gifts this year. Check out or stop by for a tour. 135 Webster St Manchester N.H. 03104 603-622-8013.

Thanks,  Donna

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